As I read the article highlighting Brandon Flowers (lead singer for the Killers) and watched the video of him defending his Mormon faith on national TV, a few things came to mind.

First, I think it is awesome that he pursues his dream of being in a rock band but still living his religion so to speak.  As I watched him defend his faith while he was in leather and looking like a rock star I thought about many of the people in the Mormon faith that I have seen who think being a Mormon means you have to dress and look a certain way.  Our religion teaches us that God is no respector of persons, which means no matter our race or what our appearance is, God is there for us.

Next, how much easier would it be for him to decline opportunities to get up and share his faith and just say “I’m a Mormon, but I don’t do interviews”? Or even go so far as denouncing the religion altogether, which many stars do.  This is a great example of what Jesus said about letting our light shine for the world.

Finally, I thought about the members of his band who are not Mormons.  Obviously they respect him enough to allow him to do these interviews and as he says in this interview, he wants to promote the band professionally, but the Mormon question inevitably comes up frequently.  This is a great example of people of other faiths working together.

For those of you who may have missed the interview, I’ve included it below: