We had a pretty interesting discussion to close out our last Elders meeting in 2011.  It was a lesson on judgment and the second coming.  As you can imagine, many interesting things were said.  Some off the wall about what would happen leading up to the Second Coming, and others that were scripturally based.

One brother kept bringing something up though that caused me to reflect on an issue I hear quite frequently from fellow Christian friends of other denomonations, specifically on how they feel Mormons think they can earn their salvation and also become Gods.

The brother kept asking questions about what we needed to do in order to be saved.  He asked about the steps such as baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, and going through the temple.  In his mind, it sounded to me like he thought he was home free once he made those steps.  He also made mention in reference to the scripture that if we make these steps, we will become Gods and have everything equal with God.

Although I am a Mormon, or Latter-day Saint, I completely disagree with these statements.  For starters, we will never be equal to God.  I believe that God (Heavenly Father), and Jesus Christ (also a God) are separate beings who are far superior to us and always will be.  Even though we are created in their image, we will never be equal to them.  I feel that it is damaging and dangerous to put ourselves at the same level with them in that it sets us up for pride and it is erroneous doctrine.

Some LDS or Mormon prophets (most notably, Lorenzo Snow) have come out and stated that we can become gods and that God was once like us.  Mormons are also quick to point to the scripture in the Bible that states in both the Old and New Testamant “ye are gods…” and use that as evidence that one can be a god.

A closer reading of the scriptures shows that every time Jesus or Heavenly Father are mentioned, the “g” in god is capitalized.  In the scripture that says we “are gods” the “g” is lower case.  To me, this means that we can become “like” God and have power and authority over certain things that He gives us, but we will always be inferior to Him and function under his jurisdiction.  Another way of looking at it is what we learn in the Mormon temple about us becoming “kings and priests” unto god, but not a God in the sense that He is God.

Regarding earning salvation, there are certainly actions we must take to receive the gospel into our hearts.  However, we will always be in debt to God the Father and Jesus for their sacrifice so that we have the opportunity to be saved.  Although we should always take actions to be obedient and close to the Holy Spirit, it is through the grace and mercy of Jesus that salvation comes.  The moment we start thinking we’re the ones accomplishing the task of being saved, we run into pride issues and this is also erronous doctrine to think we can earn our salvation.

Perhaps since I’ve been able to learn more from fellow Christian friends through this blog and other sources such as friends and family in other faiths, I am a bit more sensitive to the subject of Mormons earning their salvation and becoming Gods than I was before.  After that discussion we had in class, I can see why members of other faiths are alarmed when they attend a Morm0n church.

For those of you inside the church, do you think there is an issue with people feeling they have to earn their salvation?  What can we do to overcome this error in doctrine?

For those outside of the LDS church, have you had any experiences with Mormons thinking they can earn their salvation?  If so, please share your experience and how it makes you feel.