I recieved the following message from a reader the other day:

Dear Friend,

I liked reading your letter on God and receiving his message through understanding of God´s manner of speaking.
I have been reading very much and watching Daystar programs considerably. All of these things are interesting but the more I read the Bible and meditate, pray, and listen for that voice of God— the farther and farther from understanding anything it seems.

If I continue to understand less and less as there is so much contradiction, the natural process would be to become an athiest. Something I am not hoping for.

But my simple and nieve question is– If God can do anything, why can´t he communicate with us?

After all that silly business of speaking in tongues is accepted as real and I think is nonsense. Is that God speaking to us?
I wish I could find some message that felt like it really represented our relation to God, if there is indeed a relation.

I have written about this in previous articles throughout the years.  Most notably Discerning between God Speaking and our Own Desires, and Receiving and Recognizing Answers to Prayers.  In these articles, I address various ways to understand God and how He has spoken to me.

I feel that it would be beneficial for the reader to see other people’s responses though rather than just mine.  Take some time to pray and ask God to help this reader before you respond.  I have faith it will help him.

Thanks for your help!